e-LICITA is a service developed by the Technical Secretariat of the Consultative Board of Public Procurement that the AOC makes available to local bodies and public universities in Catalonia with the aim of facilitating the interaction of contracting bodies and companies in the bidding process.

It incorporates two tools that allow the submission of offers to the procurement procedures (Digital and Telematic Envelope) , based on the configuration of the documents to be presented by the bodies, applying mechanisms that guarantee the security, confidentiality and integrity of the documents presented.

e-LICITA is integrated with the Public Procurement Services Platform and allows, in addition to the configuration of the tender, presentation and access to the offers, to incorporate in the publications the data of the companies that have been submitted to the procedure, as well as the subsequent follow-up until the award of the file or batch, based on the functionality of requesting amendments, clarifications or supporting documentation.